Thursday, June 5, 2008

I spy with my little eye...


Today the worst and most embarassing thing happened to me! I was on my way home after a hard morning BADminton workout with SH, Cindy and her God-Like-Somebody-Stop-Him boyfriend at Bukit Gombak Sports Center (Ok... I dunno why I travel ALL the way there just to play badminton but yes I did and this is not the first time... the things I do for my friends... I should get the NOBLE PRIZE!!!), I was listening to my ipod and singing and belting like a superstar and acting all Nikki Blonsky (the fat leading girl in the movie with the big hair... no not the older one, that is John Travolta guys...) in Hairspray the Musical, when I was SPOTTED by RIDZA CHEE WA WA on his bus ride down to Chinatown!!! THE HUMILIATION!!!

He still got the cheek to call and sms me that he spotted me in my red elmo tee and stop singing on the streets of Redhill! Such audacity! Now I feel like I'm being watched... I'm a CELEBRITY!!! My god... the story of my life... so much DRAMAAA!!!!

Anyways before ALL these drama things happened, I heard and watched the performance of the Pussycat Dolls' performing their new song 'When I Grow Up' on Jimmy Kimmel's and the VMAs and the song is awkwardly NICE! haha I so can relate with the song haha but the first few times I heard it, I keep hearing...

"When I grow up I wanna see the world I wanna drive nice cars I wanna have BOOBIES!"

HAHA I keep hearing that when it was playing on and on on youtube and Nicole Scherzinger is so HOT HOT HAWT!!! But so selfish of her to keep hogging the lime light when it is a Pussycat Dolls' performance and not a Nicole 'Failed solo career' Scherzinger's show...

Oh... and I have an idea of how my new big-head-emo-pupil-less-characters (I need a name for them sucks) is gonna look like it's gonna be a girl! haha and oh seems like the girls think the beanie hat one is a boy and the guys seem to think it's a girl... hmmm another example that guys and girls look at things differently...

1 comment:

DoTdOtGeR said...

*Slaps the drama king awake*
Hahaha.. Poor lil chaps who don't even have a decent name!