Sunday, June 15, 2008

Saving the WORLD before Bedtime (or jail time)!

Ok I just have to put these up here! I'm sure why some of you might wonder why I like the things I like... (well some of you who know me too well might have come to terms with it but ya this is why!) cos they are TRASHY!!! I love trashy stuff!!!

And this is why I love these two clips I found on the all so convenient YouTube!!! DREAM COME TRUE!!! It's Simple Life + Powerpuff Girls! (Not that I like them or seen ALL the episodes from season 1 to 5 and know ALL there is to know about Bubbles, Blossom and the wretched Buttercup and their super powers of freeze breathe, sonic scream and laser eyes and how they got their super powers and not to mention no way would I have seen their MOVIE with a theatre full of primary school kids and parents who gave me and my friend weird stares and sniggers when we walked into the theatre trying to bend as low as possible so as not to show our age and identity and it is not possible for me to own a VCD of the movie as well...)

So as I was saying, these two clips are just awesome! Retardedly funny and making fun at Z listers Brittany Murphy, Tara Reid and my A-Lister PARIS *Love her Heiress for men fragrance* HILTON!!!

Just watch! No words can discribe how I feel right now... I'm so HAPPY!!! so so HAPPY!! I'm so Happy so pretty and GAAYYYY! (Not literally... ok not not 'literally' but ya it's Happy not gay-Gay well you know what I mean...) Hopefully you all know which movie that song comes from...

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